Berthing Information

Belfast Berthing Information

Berth Name  Stormont Wharf
Location Victoria Channel
Maximum Length 457 meter
Maximum Beam 40 meter
Maximum Draught 10.2 meter – 8.5 meter
Maximum Air Draught Not Applicable
HP / Bollard Pull 20 tonne to 38 tonne
Ships or Tugs Lines Tug’s
Are Tugs Available Yes
No. of Tugs 4
Are Tugs Compulsory Depends on size and equipment
Special Tugs Regulations As above
Working hours Tugs 24 hours
Working hours Linesmen 24 hours
Working hours Stevedoring 24 hours
Working hours Port Official 24 hours
Working hours Custom Offical 24 hours
Is over time required for above Yes
Restictions on arrival/departure times Tidal only
Rang of quay hights 1.1 – 5.8 meter
Different between high and low tides 3.1 meter
Preference to port or starboard No preference
Are line boats available Yes
Must they be ordered in advance Yes
Are local gangways available Shore Gangway Available
Notice required 24 hours
Can ships gangways be used Yes